Greetings, my friends!

Welcome to the electronic home of The Fake Criswell, the most exciting predictor working today!

Within these pages you will find out many exciting things about the Fake Criswell. You may see biographical information about the man, learn about his amazing predictions, and even purchase collections of his predictions so that you are never caught unaware in your incredible future!

EXCITING NEWS! If you have ever thought that the predictions on Twitter should be longer, then you should head on over to The Fake Criswell's Tumblr site,! Every weekday, rain or shine, a lengthy new prediction is posted! No more piecing together tiny sentences for a complete picture of the future!

Yes, my friends, for The Fake Criswell 2013 is turning into the multiple social media year! Along with the already existing Twitter account, there is now a Face book page and a Tumblr site! Follow both of these sites immediately, or else you may miss out.

Also, there is a Google+ page. But nobody seems to care about that.

OLDER NEWS: Thank you to all of you who purchased the first issue of FAKE CRISWELL PRESENTS! The zine has sold out, so we will no longer offer issues. Since the first issue came out, we gained the ability to download the entire Fake Criswell Twitter feed, so we may do a second zine again this summer! Stay tuned, my friends...

The contents of this Website are © 1907 - 2138 The Fake Criswell. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.